Vampire Slayer movies are fun! They don’t have to be great. They don’t have to be in the same realm as Citizen Kane or Schindler’s List. They’re simply fun movies and that’s the best way I can describe Day Shift with Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco. It’s just a fun vampire Slayer movie on Netflix with two great comedic actors that will entertain you right till the end. Also, the movie is made better by having Snoop Dogg in the movie as a seasoned Vampire Slayer. How would you not watch this film to see Snoop Dogg slay vampires? We always give Netflix movies a hard time for not being the greatest of movies compared to some of the movies we see in the theaters, and I think that’s okay. We mostly get fun movies that entertain us and that’s all they need to do. Every once in a while, we’ll get a movie on Netflix that will make us think or inspire us, but if there’s one thing the streaming service does really well, it gives us entertaining movies or pure escapism. That’s what I mostly liked about Day Shift.

The story is about a vampire Slayer, played by Jamie Foxx, who masquerades as a pool cleaner and has been thrown out of the Vampire Slayer Union so he’s having to fight for menial wages when it comes to hunting vampires. After he gets back in the Union on a probationary period, that’s when all hell breaks loose. His family doesn’t know he’s a vampire Slayer, but he’s trying to raise enough money to send his daughter to school and to keep his wife from moving away. And because he’s on a probationary period by the head of the Union who doesn’t like him, he gets saddled with a union rep who is logging every mistake he makes so the union can kick him out for good. On top of that, there are vampires who are wanting to take over the Valley outside of LA.  The heroes in the story will have to take them down. That’s the basis of the story and you’ve probably seen it before, but so what! What makes this movie worth watching is Jamie Foxx just being a badass and Dave Franco being comical as usual.

But put Jamie Foxx and Snoop Dogg together as Vampire Slayers, and you’re going to get a lot of entertainment. The action is good. The cast will make you laugh. And you will get all the thrills that come with vampire slaying. It’s your typical horror-action movie. Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco do not disappoint. Snoop Dogg definitely doesn’t disappoint especially with Big Bertha. Just watch the movie and you’ll find out what I’m talking about.

Day shift is not a great movie, we’ve seen this kind of movie before. There’s nothing truly original about it and that’s okay. But I think the main reason it’s on Netflix and not in theaters is that the story is not very original.  You get a great cast that gives you a lot of great action when it comes to hunting vampires and that’s essentially the movie. Well, a movie without any originality can’t really be a great movie. Films like this are largely forgettable, but the one thing it does have going for it is it is on Netflix and if you’re looking just to escape with a good movie on a weekend afternoon where you don’t have to think too hard, this one will entertain you. The pacing is fine, although it’s kind of a short movie. You get just the right amount of action to fill up 90 minutes. And unfortunately, there’s nothing special about the characters that make you connect to them. You like Jamie Foxx and Snoop Dogg because they’re awesome vampire slayers and that’s it.

Overall, it’s an okay movie and it is worth watching one afternoon even if you never watch it again. There are better vampire action movies like the Underworld series or the Blade Trilogy. There are even better horror-comedy movies, but Day Shift will entertain you just enough to make it worth having a Netflix account. It’s like one of those great B-horror movies that really isn’t great, but it’s fun and entertaining which is what they are supposed to do as films. From that standpoint, Day Shift succeeds as a movie. You even got some great buddy cop-type action like you’re watching Beverly Hills Cop but with vampire slayers. I’m not telling you not to watch it, but don’t expect much from this film. Just know that you’ll be entertained by a great cast and then you’ll probably forget you ever watched the movie. However, Netflix could do a sequel or even maybe a series, which might be a good thing to watch on Netflix. Jamie Foxx, Snoop Dogg, and Dave Franco do just enough to keep you entertained, but that’s it. And you know what, that’s good enough when it comes to entertainment. I like Day Shift for what it is and the fact that it’s not trying to be anything else than what it is as a film.  Day Shift is entertaining but forgettable!